:py:mod:`expliot.plugins.firmware.gencdxbom` ============================================ .. py:module:: expliot.plugins.firmware.gencdxbom .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Sample test/plugin as demo. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: expliot.plugins.firmware.gencdxbom.GenCDXBom Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: expliot.plugins.firmware.gencdxbom.DEFAULT_PORT .. py:data:: DEFAULT_PORT :annotation: = 80 .. py:class:: GenCDXBom Bases: :py:obj:`expliot.core.tests.test.Test` Test class for the sample. Output Format: [ { "files": 7, # Total number of files (including normal, hidden and symlinks) "dirs": 4, # Total number of directories "hiddenfiles": 2, # Total number of hidden files "hiddentdirs": 1, # Total number of hidden directories "symlinks": 1 # Total number of symlinks }, # Below is the JSON format as per CycloneDX JSON Specification { "bomFormat": "CycloneDX", ... ... } ] .. py:method:: execute() Execute the test.