:py:mod:`expliot.plugins.mqtt.mqttauth` ======================================= .. py:module:: expliot.plugins.mqtt.mqttauth .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Test the authentication of a MQTT broker. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: expliot.plugins.mqtt.mqttauth.MqttAuth .. py:class:: MqttAuth Bases: :py:obj:`expliot.core.tests.test.Test` Test the authentication of a MQTT broker. Output Format: If the auth is successful i.e. correct password found, then it's details are present in the output. If the auth fails for all passwords from the --pfile (or single password from --passwd), then the Test fails and output is empty as for any other Test failure case. [ { "user": "foouser", "password": "foopass", "reason_code": 0, reason_code_str": "Connection Accepted." } ] .. py:method:: execute() Execute the test.