:py:mod:`expliot.plugins.serial.fuzzcommands` ============================================= .. py:module:: expliot.plugins.serial.fuzzcommands .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Support for fuzzing command over a serial connection. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: expliot.plugins.serial.fuzzcommands.FuzzCommands .. py:class:: FuzzCommands Bases: :py:obj:`expliot.core.tests.test.Test` Test to fuzz commands. Output Format: [ { 'command': 'aa', 'response': 'üàºerrÿÚor', 'num': 1, 'valid': True # or False if the criteria did not trigger }, # .. May be more entries (depending on the --chars and --length) { 'valid_commands_found': ['aa', 'ab', 'ba', 'bb'] # or [] if nothing found } ] .. py:method:: execute() Execute the test.