:py:mod:`expliot.plugins.zbauditor.zbanwkscan` ============================================== .. py:module:: expliot.plugins.zbauditor.zbanwkscan .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Support for Zigbee network Scanner for zigbee auditor. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: expliot.plugins.zbauditor.zbanwkscan.ZbAuditorNwkScan .. py:class:: ZbAuditorNwkScan Bases: :py:obj:`expliot.core.tests.test.Test` Zigbee packet sniffer plugin. Output Format: [ { 'device_count': 1, 'beacons': [ { 'source_addr': '0x0', 'source_panid': '0xac87', 'channel': 25, 'pan_coordinator': True, 'permit_joining': False, 'zigbee_layer': True, 'router_capacity': True, 'device_capacity': True, 'protocol_version': 2, 'stack_profile': 2, 'depth': 0, 'update_id': 0, 'extn_panid': [ '0x0', '0x15', '0x8d', '0x0', '0x2', '0x3f', '0x60', '0x7a' ], 'tx_offset': '0xffffff', 'rssi': -57, 'lqi': 144 }, # ... Zero or more dict entries depending on no. of devices found ] } ] .. py:method:: display_scan_result(result_dict) :staticmethod: This function take result as dictionary of network scan and display on ui. .. py:method:: write_result_to_logfile(result_dict) Write results in a file as JSON. .. py:method:: get_channel_mask() Validate start and end scan channels and returns channel mask. .. py:method:: execute() Execute the test.