:py:mod:`expliot.utils.nmap` ============================ .. py:module:: expliot.utils.nmap .. autoapi-nested-parse:: nmap utility. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: expliot.utils.nmap.Nmap Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: expliot.utils.nmap.NOTIMEOUT .. py:data:: NOTIMEOUT :annotation: = 0 .. py:class:: Nmap(path='nmap', default_args='-oX -') Bases: :py:obj:`expliot.utils.Tool` Nmap tool execution class. .. py:method:: run_xmltodict_output(args, timeout=None) Run the command as a child with the specified arguments and return the output as a dict along with the error if any. The xml to dict format is generated by xmltodict package which is based on the format specified here - https://www.xml.com/pub/a/2006/05/31/converting-between-xml-and-json.html Args: args(str): The arguments to be supplied to nmap. timeout(int): The timeout in seconds while waiting for the output. Default is None. For details check subprocess.Popen() timeout argument. Returns: tuple of dict,str: Tuple of xml output converted to dict and error converted from bytes to str. (stdout,stderr)