Documentation ============= The documentation is written in `reStructuredText `_ and rendered by `Sphinx `_. The source file for are located in the ``docs`` directory and published automatically then changes are pushed to the ``master`` branch or a merge commit is included. Every page contains on the top right a link called "Edit on GitLab" which allows editing of the page without further setup. To get started, check the `reStructuredText basics `_. Setup ----- To create the documentation locally or if you are planing to add the documentation of your new plugin then you need to install the generator that is rendering the documentation. .. code-block:: console $ pip3 install -r docs/requirements.txt Review the changes locally -------------------------- Use ``make html`` in the ``docs`` directory to render the documentation. The output will be available in ``_build/html``. For large changes it could be useful to live-reloading documentation. Install the ``sphinx-reload`` Python module: .. code-block:: console $ pip3 install sphinx-reload $ sphinx-reload docs/ The rendered content is then available at `http://localhost:5500/ `_. Create a PDF file ----------------- It might be possible to create a PDF file but this is not supported. .. code-block:: console $ make latexpdf Commit your work ---------------- Working on the documentation is no different than to contribute code. If you are done with your work then submit a merge request.