.. _command-line-mode: Command line mode ================= Run the tool with command line arguments, it will execute the respective command/arguments and exit. This is helpful for automation and scripting different test cases as part of your testing: regression, acceptance, security etc. The way you specify the command and arguments is the same as *interactive mode*. Examples -------- Run with ``help`` option: .. code-block:: console $ expliot -h usage: expliot [-h] [cmd] ... Expliot - Internet Of Things Security Testing and Exploitation Framework Command Line Interface. positional arguments: cmd Command to execute. If no command is given, it enters an interactive console. To see the list of available commands use help command cmd_args Sub-command and/or (optional) arguments optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit EXPLIoT commands help will provide you a list of all available commands. .. code-block:: console $ expliot help Documented commands (type help ): ======================================== alias exit help history list macro quit run set List all available plugins. .. code-block:: bash $ expliot list Total plugins: 23 PLUGIN SUMMARY ====== ======= ble.generic.fuzzchar BLE Characteristic value fuzzer [...] udp.kankun.hijack Kankun SmartPlug Hijacker Executing a plugin ------------------ The `run` command is responsible to execute a plugin. .. code-block:: console $ expliot run coap.generic.sample -h usage: coap.generic.sample [-h] -r RHOST [-p RPORT] [-v] Sample Description optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -r RHOST, --rhost RHOST IP address of the target -p RPORT, --rport RPORT Port number of the target. Default is 80 -v, --verbose show verbose output