Support to scan for BLE devices.
Enumerate services/characteristics of a BLE device. |
Module Contents¶
- class expliot.plugins.ble.bleenum.BleEnum¶
Enumerate services/characteristics of a BLE device.
Output Format: There are three types of output: 1. Only services 2. Only Characteristics 3. Services and characteristics both
- [
# Services {
“service_uuid”: “0000fee7-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb”, “service_uuid_name”: “Foobar”, # Human readable name of service, if any “handle_start”: “0xa”, “handle_end”: “0x12”
}, # … May be zero or more entries. # If no services found the above dict will not be present # Characteristics {
“char_uuid”: “00002a05-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb”, “char_uuid_name”: “Foobar”, “handle”: “0xe”, “supported_properties”: “READ NOTIFY WRITE INDICATE NO RESPONSE”,
# One or more properties space separated
- “readvalue”: “Foobar_value”, # optional field, only present it characteristic
# value can be read i.e. READ property is supported
}, # … May be zero or more entries. # If no characteristics found the above dict will not be present
- execute()¶
Execute the plugin.
Enumerate the services and/or characteristics of the specified BLE device.
- Returns: