Support for reading data over i2c.
Plugin to read data over i2c. |
Module Contents¶
- expliot.plugins.i2c.i2ceepromread.DESCRIPTION = Multiline-String¶
Show Value
""" This plugin reads data from an I2C EEPROM chip. It needs an FTDI interface to read data from the target EEPROM chip. You can buy an FTDI device online. If you are interested we have an FTDI based product - 'EXPLIoT Nano' which you can order online from www.expliot.io This plugin uses pyi2cflash package which in turn uses pyftdi python driver for ftdi chips. For more details on supported I2C EEPROM chips, check the readme at https://github.com/eblot/pyi2cflash Thank you Emmanuel Blot for pyi2cflash. You may want to run it as root in case you get a USB error related to langid."""
- class expliot.plugins.i2c.i2ceepromread.I2cEepromRead¶
Plugin to read data over i2c.
Output Format: There are two types of output format - 1. When the read data is stored in a file (–wfile argument). 2. When the read data has to be displayed instead of storing in a file.
- [
- {
- “data”: “Foobar data”, # Data read from the chip, this field is present
# if –wfile is not specified
}, {
chip_size=32768, # Size of the chip in bytes bytes_read=1000, time_taken_secs=1.67,
- slaveaddr = 80¶
- execute()¶
Execute the test.