Manual installation

The installation of expliot is straight-forward. At the moment there are two options available. If you choose to download the archive then you are not able to quick update to the latest version.


Make sure that your system has Python 3 available. expliot only runs with Python 3. Also, there are a couple of other packages needed to compile various bits and pieces.


$ sudo dnf -y install redhat-rpm-config libusb glib2-devel python3 python3-devel

Ubuntu (Kali Linux, Lubuntu, etc.)

$ sudo apt-get install git libusb-1.0 libglib2.0-dev python3 python3-dev python3-setuptools

Debian 10

$ sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0 libglib2.0-dev python3 python3-dev python3-setuptools build-essential


All requirements are shipped by default.

Alpine Linux

It might be possible to make an installation but requires at lot of effort because the system is using musl and pycrypto heavily depends on Glib.

Download archive

Visit the EXPLIoT repository at GitLab and download the archive of your choice. After pressing the icon with the cloud and the arrow you can set the archive type. After the download unpack it.

Or use the command line:

$ curl -O
$ tar -xzf expliot-master.tar.gz
$ mv expliot-master expliot

Change into the expliot directory and start the installation.

$ cd expliot
$ python3 install --user

Checkout from git

The fastest way to get a copy of expliot is to clone the Git repository.

$ git clone
$ cd expliot
$ python3 install --user

For system-wide installation, you can use sudo and not use --user.

$ git clone
$ cd expliot
$ sudo python3 install


If you are performing the installation as root, e.g., on Kali Linux, then don’t use --user.

# git clone
# cd expliot
# python3 install


  • On some older debian-based systems like Ubuntu and its derivatives it might be needed that you adjust your $PATH environment variable to include ~/.local.

  • Debian-based live systems, including the latest Kali Linux, running live have some limitations. Again, the executables in ~/.local were not found. This means that you have to adjust your $PATH environment variable or use ~/.local/bin/expliot.

  • BlackArch Linux users need to create an additional user to install EXPLIoT. Don’t use root for the installation.

  • If you are using Ubuntu then you need to logout and login after the installation.