Interactive mode

Run the the tool without specifying any command line arguments and you will be greeted with a banner which shows the current version number, name and finally the interactive console. You will now be able to run individual plugins manually.

$ expliot

                  __   __      _ _       _
                  \ \ / /     | (_)     | |
               ___ \ V / _ __ | |_  ___ | |_
              / _ \/   \| '_ \| | |/ _ \| __|
              | __/ /^\ \ |_) | | | (_) | |_
              \___\/   \/ .__/|_|_|\___/ \__|
                         | |

                    version: 0.5.0a1
                    version name: agni

                    Internet Of Things
             Security Testing and Exploitation

                     By Aseem Jakhar


To see the available commands on the console type ? or help and press Enter.

ef> ?

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
alias  exit  help  history  list  quit  run  set  unalias


As of now there are only four commands defined in the framework. The other commands are from the cmd2 module and not used for the framework. These will be removed post beta version.

  1. exit: To exit from the console.

  2. quit: Same as exit.

  3. list: To list down all the available plugins.

  4. run: To run/execute a plugin.


All commands and plugins support tab completion. However, the plugin arguments, as of now, do not.

exit command

As the name suggests, it is used to exit from the framework’s console. Example:

ef> exit

quit command

It is the same as exit command.


ef> quit

list command

This command lists down all the available plugins in the framework.

Example as of version 0.5.0a1:

ef> list
Total plugins: 22

PLUGIN                    SUMMARY
======                    =======

ble.generic.fuzzchar      BLE Characteristic value fuzzer
udp.kankun.hijack         Kankun SmartPlug Hijacker

run command

This is the main command that executes a plugin.

ef> run -h
usage: run plugin

Executes a plugin (test case)

positional arguments:
  plugin  The test case to execute along with its options

Executing a plugin

To execute a plugin, you need to specify the plugin name and its arguments. All the plugins are well documented and to find out their description and arguments you need to specify the help argument (-h or –help) for the plugin. We have an example plugin called coap.generic.sample within the framework, which can be used to study the code for a plugin and how one can write their own plugins. This is explained in detail in the Development section. Below you can see the output of the help argument of a plugin (using our sample plugin).

ef> run coap.generic.sample -h
usage: coap.generic.sample [-h] -r RHOST [-p RPORT] [-v]

Sample Description

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r RHOST, --rhost RHOST
                        IP address of the target
  -p RPORT, --rport RPORT
                        Port number of the target. Default is 80
  -v, --verbose         show verbose output

Output of the BLE scanner plugin help argument:

ef> run ble.generic.scan -h
usage: ble.generic.scan [-h] [-i IFACE] [-t TIMEOUT] [-a ADDR] [-r] [-s] [-c]

This test allows you to scan and list the BLE devices in the proximity. It can
also enumerate the characteristics of a single device if specified. NOTE: This
plugin needs root privileges. You may run it as $ sudo expliot

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i IFACE, --iface IFACE
                         HCI interface no. to use for scanning. 0 = hci0, 1 =
                         hci1 and so on. Default is 0
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                     Scan timeout. Default is 10 seconds
  -a ADDR, --addr ADDR  Address of BLE device whose services/characteristics
                        will be enumerated. If not specified, it does an
                        address scan for all devices
  -r, --randaddrtype    Use LE address type random. If not specified use
                        address type public
  -s, --services        Enumerate the services of the BLE device
  -c, --chars           Enumerate the characteristics of the BLE device
  -v, --verbose         Verbose output. Use it for more info about the devices
                        and their characteristics